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Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Ranked 1722 of 1996



Well, I already have IBS, so whatever.


:( Well, at least no change. Thats better than 2/3 of the options on this site.

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Spill water on your keyboard

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10% prefer Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Have the most horrible BO ever that you can't cover up or get rid of. However, you can't smell yourself

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89% prefer Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Be murdered by your own brother or sister

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67% prefer Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Transform into Billy Crystal

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37% prefer Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Live in a world without YouTube and all similar video streaming sites

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37% prefer Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Eat a firm, but mild cheese

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^_^ Cheese upsets my stomach greatly, so both are similar for me. But IBS is forever so cheese?

+1 for the 'These do not go well together' pile.

Gain superpowers allowing you to emit highly visible and flashy heat rays, stun rays, kinetic impact rays, or other similar ray-based effects at will. The downside: the rays all emanate from your crotch.

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0% prefer Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Awesome crotch rays or nasty butt rays? Hmmm?

Have a lobotomy

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68% prefer Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome


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