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Options 979 to 989
It rained cats and dogs
Have an intense, irrational fear of cardigans
Be nine feet tall
Live a life without pizzas
Grow deer antlers
Become an immortal sorceress with mind-control powers but permanently transform into an enormous black cobra-like serpent with a human face.
Have a turtle-like shell
Alien space bats suddenly terraform Venus and transport your home city there. The climate is extremely humid and tropical, with rainforest and marshes carpeting the landscape.
Every year on your birthday you receive a bill for 17 Canadian dollars for "fusion services." Until you mail the requested funds in the envelope provided you become unable to perceive the Sun or its sunlight - the world appears to be in permanent night to you. Nobody believes you if you try to explain any of this.
Whenever anyone sneezes within a mile of you, no matter what you are doing, you automatically say "Bless You" - even if you or the people around you didn't even hear the sneeze.