You have to pick:

Watch the movie "Twilight"

Ranked 978 of 1996


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Live on nothing but plain rice for the rest of your life (you take pills to make sure you get any missing nutrients so you don't die)

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Become a vampire

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26% prefer Watch the movie "Twilight"

Wake up covered with fur

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16% prefer Watch the movie "Twilight"


There are people who are in to furries. Twitards scare me. To the electric razor store!

Become a werewolf

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28% prefer Watch the movie "Twilight"

Have a 1 month old infant for the rest of your life

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66% prefer Watch the movie "Twilight"


since "for the rest of your life" implies I can't kill it and there is nothing said about paying attention to to the movie, I think I'm gonna have to go with twilight


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