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Be constantly surrounded by a swarm of mosquitoes who telepathically tell you whatever information you need making you into a super-genius/inventor/problem-solver. Their psychic voice in your mind sounds like 100 mosquito whines in unison. And they bite.

Ranked 1399 of 1996


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Be constantly surrounded by a swarm of mosquitoes. If you ever kill one they stay for your entire life. If you can make it 10 years without killing one you become the most rich and powerful person on Earth (and the swarm goes away).

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58% prefer Be constantly surrounded by a swarm of mosquitoes who telepathically tell you whatever information you need making you into a super-genius/inventor/problem-solver. Their psychic voice in your mind sounds like 100 mosquito whines in unison. And they bite.


No way am I going to manage to avoid killing one of those mosquitoes for ten years, I'd surely do it by accident. So I think I'll take the problem-solver one, and in addition to the usual make-the-world-better-and-me-rich stuff I'll have them work on solutions to all of the annoyances they cause me - artificial mosquito food, repellent to keep them focused on the artificial food instead of me, techniques to reduce the annoyance caused by their whine, etc. Eventually I'll get my brain transplanted into an invulnerable robot body or something and then the mosquitoes are welcome to hang around and do whatever they like.


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