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Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

Ranked 530 of 1996



Well I'm drinking French Cognac, pretty high, and listening to good music.. So it's happening?

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You have a magical sniper rifle. Any target hit disappears forever. No-one is upset and there are no repercussions for you. But... if you ever miss with it the universe immediately ceases to exist.

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57% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

You and your co-workers get free two week trips to Hawaii. At the end of the trip each of your has to eat a donut licked by all of the others.

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33% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

You are immortal and invincible, but if any of your body parts are cut off (your one weakness) they come to life with a mind of their own, bent on human destruction starting with those you love most. These parts share your immortality, invincibility, and divisibility.

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60% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.


What if you get a haircut?


I advise against it. ;)

Vaccines were outlawed

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91% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

Visit Sweden for two weeks in November

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14% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

A genie grants you twenty wishes redeemable whenever you want, but each time you make a wish it transforms you another 1/20th of the way into a goat. Your wishes cannot reverse or prevent this condition.

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64% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

Be born into a world without religion

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25% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

You are immortal and invincible, but you have have 100 razor blades embedded in your body which, with each movement, cut you on the inside (which instantly heals but hurts excruciating).

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80% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

Become well above average at everything, but not great at anything

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38% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

Sit and stare at the wall for 3 hours

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50% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

Become the best in the world at the skill of your choice, but become poor at everything else

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51% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

You become a billionaire but your 5 closest friends die

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78% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.


I don't have ANY close friends, let alone five. let the billion come! Then, off to Moscow to fund the WORKERS REVOLUTION!!!

You are homeless and hungry for days at a time for 20 years, then you become a billionaire for the rest of your life

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56% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

Watch every single episode of "The Simpsons" back to back

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52% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

You become a billionaire but you also become colossally stupid

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72% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

You gain a health bar with 10 hearts. If your heath ever reaches 0, you die - but it is impossible to die in any other way. The most damage any one event can cause you is 6 hearts. However minor things (anything as painful as stubbing your toe) all do 1 heart of damage. Injuries in between these two extremes do a proportionate amount of damage. You regenerate 1 heart per week. Your injuries heal as the hearts of damage they caused heal.

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46% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

ATMs will release any sum of money requested to anyone. However, for each dollar you take out one ticket in your name is entered into a draw. At the end of each week a single name is drawn and that person is killed.

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63% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

You are immortal and invincible but you become a hovering cloud of diarrhea with 5-foot telekinesis

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80% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

A randomly-selected person living somewhere in your home city is granted one wish by a genuinely helpful genie. However, due to a magical mishap, you receive whatever that person wished for instead as if you you had made the wish yourself.

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19% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

Reality had streak breaking (like MMOs) where if you get a lot of failures in a row your chances of a success increases (and vice versa)

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66% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

Win $10,000 on Americans Funniest Videos but become a laughing stock

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40% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

Donald Trump dies but his ghost haunts the Whitehouse forever. He has no power, but constantly shows up at meetings, speeches, and key moments and acts as he did in life.

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42% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

Your health has three states "full, injured, and dead". Any injury you suffer (anything as painful as stubbing your toe) reduces your health to the next state down. No matter how bad the injury is (even things that would normally be fatal), it only ever reduces your health by one state. If your health reaches "dead" then you die - but it is impossible to die in any other way. If your state is "injured" you can eat a mushroom to increase it to "full".

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49% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

The government forced everyone to get all available vaccines

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42% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

You live at a La-Z-Boy Furniture Gallery. The rent is free and you can use the recliners, couches, display TVs to your heart's content. You have a generous daily stipend for ordering in or eating out wherever you like. The catch is that its an active store, so customers are coming in all the time during business hours and you will have no privacy. During off hours you can do whatever you like, but during business hours you must be respectful to customers and not do/say/watch anything that would be at all offensive to them.

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40% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

Become an immortal sorceress with mind-control powers but permanently transform into an enormous black cobra-like serpent with a human face.

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67% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

You and your co-workers get free two week trips to Hawaii. At the end of the trip each of your has to lick a donut. The one person is randomly selected to eat the donut.

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22% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

A freak meteor storm blasts a pattern of craters into the Moon that spells out your name when viewed from Earth

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28% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

In 24 hours someone, somewhere in the world will flip a coin. Heads you die, tails you become omnipotent

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56% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

Become an immortal nature spirit that can control wild plants and animals at will but permanently transform into a deer-like creature with a human face

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43% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

Hurl a baby (who you knew was going to grow up to be like Hitler) into the ocean

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41% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

You have infinite money but every day 10% of your possessions disappear

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35% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.

Every morning you are woken up by someone punching you in the face. They then give you $100.

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32% prefer Nothing happens. Everything stays the same as it is now.


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