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Have your eyes pop out of your head

Ranked 1897 of 1996



Do you get to control when your eyes pop out, or does it just happen? Can you put them back in?


Waugh! Ew ew ew ew! Don't care what the answers to those questions are, I'm not popping my eyes out. Reminds me too much of "Total Recall" :)


I think they just pop out and that's it. You'd need a medical procedure to put them back.

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Work outside all day in the blazing sun

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50% prefer Have your eyes pop out of your head


I think if you worked all day in the blazing sun, on Mars, your eyes would pop out of your head.

Fall into a vat of painfully hot, but not boiling, water

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22% prefer Have your eyes pop out of your head

Be named Popeye

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6% prefer Have your eyes pop out of your head


I'm popout the poping eyeball man! Toot toot!

Get radiation poisoning

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35% prefer Have your eyes pop out of your head


Let's assume MINOR radiation poisoning!


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