You have to pick:

Kill a polar bear

Ranked 1036 of 1996



it says i kill it, so i'm at no harm here


Polar Bears are an endangered species. So even if you come through unscathed (or were never at risk since you shot it with a sniper rifle), it still has a downside.

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Have your house robbed

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65% prefer Kill a polar bear


One has a downside to me, the other choice doesn't...


House robbed. I love polar bears, and own nothing of real value!

Become a werecow

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66% prefer Kill a polar bear


A werecow that has a stomach for polar bears mind you.

Get ripped off

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40% prefer Kill a polar bear


Sucks to be the coca-cola bear. I'm eatin bear tonight!

Discover that, due to a freak time travel accident that will someday leave you stranded in the past, you are actually your own parent.

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57% prefer Kill a polar bear

Live in a world without artificial lighting

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63% prefer Kill a polar bear


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