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Have your house robbed

Ranked 1323 of 1996


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Have your house burn down

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80% prefer Have your house robbed


Have my house burned down while it was being robbed with the robber still inside it.
:D :D :D
<--- Totally. If I can't have my shit, nobody can have my shit.

Have a manly, rugged facial scar

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20% prefer Have your house robbed


I guess you get the scar if you choose to defend your house.


Get a manly, rugged facial scar when the guy tries to knife you, I guess. Epic songs to be sung.

Make just enough money to live in a terrible apartment and eat Kraft Dinner and hot dogs

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72% prefer Have your house robbed

Kill a polar bear

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34% prefer Have your house robbed


One has a downside to me, the other choice doesn't...


House robbed. I love polar bears, and own nothing of real value!


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