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Whenever anyone can see you you turn instantly into an unbreakable statue. Whenever nobody can see you any more you change back.

Ranked 1687 of 1996



This would basically lead me into a life of complete solitude. A hermit, perhaps.


It's not so bad, IMO. You could still interact with people via the phone or the Internet, or with people who are wearing blindfolds. Perhaps draping a sheet over yourself would also help.


Weeping angels from doctor who, with slight differences


Depends, does touching somebody cause them to be teleported to a random point in the past, allowing me to live off the energy from the life they would have lived?


@ Supertigy - Nope. Just the bad parts.

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Be a medusa, with snakes for hair and a petrifying gaze.

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53% prefer Whenever anyone can see you you turn instantly into an unbreakable statue. Whenever nobody can see you any more you change back.


So either when people see you, YOU turn into a statue or they do...


You were only petrified if you looked at her eyes though.
So I wear sunglasses or a mask.

Be standing inside the fire

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50% prefer Whenever anyone can see you you turn instantly into an unbreakable statue. Whenever nobody can see you any more you change back.


The previous option I picked was "Both of the next set of options displayed happen"

Basically, someone would need to look at me to protect me from the fire I'm standing in.

Whenever you can't be seen by anyone you turn instantly into an unbreakable statue. You change back the moment someone can see you again.

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31% prefer Whenever anyone can see you you turn instantly into an unbreakable statue. Whenever nobody can see you any more you change back.


I totally would just carry a mirror taped to one of my own eyes.


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