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Become a werewolf

Ranked 466 of 1996



Well, being a werewolf would only happen every 28 days or so...


you also have to consider what version of werewolf? twilight? True Blood? traditional? etc

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Become a vampire

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48% prefer Become a werewolf

Become a wererat

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93% prefer Become a werewolf


Twilight werewolf. Control over turning. Though you imprint like ducks uncontrollably onto lovers[or babies]and get really sick when that person dies.
But you also get a tan. And land that's all to yourself that the white man can't do shiz on.

The other option this is paired with happens to you and also happens to your twenty closest friends

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41% prefer Become a werewolf

Think you've become a werewolf

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73% prefer Become a werewolf

Be a weremaid. Every month you transform into a maid for a day and are overwhelmed by primal instincts to clean and tidy up. You may also transform at other times when your suppressed maid instincts are provoked by exposure untidiness, and you can transmit your curse through the bite of your maid form (which admittedly is unlikely to happen often).

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40% prefer Become a werewolf

Become a werecow

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80% prefer Become a werewolf


Being a werecow would be safer. When you turn into a wolf you go crazy and try to kill your loved ones. But if you turn into a cow, you'd just be like "Moo... feed me."

Find sneezes "catchy" like yawns. So if anyone sneezes near you, you also sneeze

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33% prefer Become a werewolf


is this a decision between two positive things? xD who doesn't love sneezing? who wouldn't wanna be a werewolf?

Be able to speak to animals

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42% prefer Become a werewolf



The other option this is paired with happens to everyone on Earth, not just to you.

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53% prefer Become a werewolf


Having this happen to everyone on Earth instead of just me would actually make it somewhat safer for everyone. We'd all turn into werewolves at the same time (assuming it's the standard full-moon thing) so nobody would get hunted by werewolves, and since it happens to everyone else too _I_ wouldn't be hunted by _non-_werewolves. If it's not the random rampage type and we keep some semblance of our wits about us it could even make for an interesting sort of monthly holiday.

Watch the movie "Twilight"

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71% prefer Become a werewolf


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