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Options 743 to 753
Be a weremaid. Every month you transform into a maid for a day and are overwhelmed by primal instincts to clean and tidy up. You may also transform at other times when your suppressed maid instincts are provoked by exposure untidiness, and you can transmit your curse through the bite of your maid form (which admittedly is unlikely to happen often).
Live as an Elf in the Dwarf Fortress universe
An alarm goes off in your bedroom at whatever time your nearest neighbor sets their alarm clock to
Every sentence you speak or write contains a swear word
Have prehensile hair
Live in the 90's forever
Your life depends on you completing a certain task. You understand the task well, and what it is trying to accomplish, but you are given no further guidance.
Listen to country music
Eat a $50 bill
Be famous for doing something stupid