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Delete a year's worth of personal photos
Humans had a kangaroo tail
A genie grants you twenty wishes redeemable whenever you want, but each time you make a wish it transforms you another 1/20th of the way into a goat. Your wishes cannot reverse or prevent this condition.
Someone accidentally hurts you. The pain is severe but lasts only 10 seconds. Even though it is completely their fault, the person is not sorry, and in fact blames you for the incident.
Be a dragon who dreams of being a man
Do something amazing but someone else gets the credit
Be a minotaur
Eat a handful of Licorice Allsorts
Be a weremaid. Every month you transform into a maid for a day and are overwhelmed by primal instincts to clean and tidy up. You may also transform at other times when your suppressed maid instincts are provoked by exposure untidiness, and you can transmit your curse through the bite of your maid form (which admittedly is unlikely to happen often).
Live as an Elf in the Dwarf Fortress universe