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Options 197 to 207

  1. A genie begins secretly monitoring you without your knowledge at some point in the near future. The first time you say the words "I wish", it will grant whatever you wished for. It will not try to deliberately twist the meaning of your wish but it only has your words to guide it.
  2. Eat a pie
  3. Every time you open a door there is a 1% chance that it will become a temporary portal to another existing doorway of the same size located anywhere else in the world (selected randomly)
  4. Get a hug
  5. Find $10
  6. You can (at any time) convert the cells of your body into money at the rate of one penny per cell
  7. Have generous children
  8. Win a hand of poker with a royal flush
  9. Have an unlimited supply of chocolate for life
  10. Live in a flying house

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