Can you medicate? Does it make it any easier? headaches, coughing, sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, weakness? All of those? Severity of all of those symptoms? How could you survive when you throw everything up?
And you'd likely make everyone super sick. You'd probably have like the zombie virus on you. You'd be in quarantine. Doctors would have you strapped down and would be constantly taking blood in hazmat suits. You'd never be able to see the outside world. You couldn't fall in love or be physical with that love. You couldn't/wouldn't be able to do anything.
--- On the other side though. It says "Explode". Doesn't say you'll explode right this second. Maybe you Explode when you die? If so you're dead. Why the fuck would you care. Just run outside if you feel like you're having a heart attack to save your family.
You have the symptoms of the cold, but you're not contagious. Also I would suggest that cold symptoms are that awful sick feeling, achiness, sore throat, and runny nose. I don't think it would include vomiting, diarrhea, rash or any other symptoms associated with flu or more serious diseases.
You CAN medicate, but its one of those colds that is so bad that you still feel wretched after medication.
You explode right now. As soon as you click the option.