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You have to pick:

Stub your toe once a day
Your computer crashes once a day


At first, it would just be annoying, but eventually, your toe would get quite badly damaged, and it wouldn't get much of a chance to heal between stubs.


Can I choose which computer? I could have some old junky one sit around just for my daily crash quota.


You are always using the computer at the time of the crash. If you use one computer 40% of the day and another 59% and another 1% of the day, then the chance of them crashing are 40%, 59%, and 1%, respectively.


I use Windows so my computer already crashes once a day.


but you could start wearing shoes so it does not hurt as bad.


You have ten toes, it doesn't have to be the same toe each day.


My windows machine never crashes (despite what the criminally false apple advertisements would like you to believe). In the 90s windows crashed a lot, and apples crashed even more. Now windows almost never crash and macs crash from time to time.


If I install a program that can deliberately crash my computer, and I run that once per day before I do anything else important on my computer, does that make it crash-proof?

If I have a computer that is in a state that *guaranteed* not to crash no matter what I do to it, that opens up a lot of interesting possibilities.


@derksenmobile No. >:( Your computer crashes once per day IN ADDITION to any other crashes that might happen non-magically.

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