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You have to pick:

Get ebola
Get radiation poisoning


Radiation poisoning covers a whole range of "feel nauseous for a few days" through "guaranteed death within a few days" to "your liquefied organs are coming out _right now_." Ebola's got a fatality rate ranging from 50–89%, depending on the species or viral strain. Radiation poisoning has a long-term elevated risk of cancer, whereas if you survive ebola you're done with it and as far as I know there are no long-term consequences. Hm... all comes down to how bad the radiation poisoning is, I think. If it's very mild I'd go with that, but otherwise I think ebola's the best bet in the long term.


Depends how serious... If it won't be lethal even in the long run or really harmful then definitely.


living with radiation atm i don't want to answer this.


Oh crap, the last question I got I chose "Everyone on earth will get the next selection you choose." And look what's the next "Would you rather?" I got.


Is there any chance of super powers?


I think probably the same chance as in real life

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