I suspect one would not survive driving through a puddle at high speed.
Also it could be very dangerous indoor. One accidental splash and you are sportscar in a hallway. That can't end well.
Let's say that "warm" and "cold" in this case means "icewater" and "almost painfully hot", to make the circumstances a little less likely to happen by accident.
This would be problematic when someone flushes the toilet while you are in the shower.
sweet, when you get cancer you turn into a motorcylce go to a mechanic, and get fixed for a couple hundred bucks, instead of thousands on chemo
Can I drive myself as a motorcycle? Does my "body" rest as a motorcycle (i.e. I sleep as a motorcycle)
Let's say "yes" to both of ben.jamin's questions.
Can I sleep in motorcycle form? If so that makes this a lot more palatable.