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You have to pick:

Live without the internet for the rest of your life
Go insane


This pair is surprisingly tough.


Indeed. "Go insane" is rather nebulous, too. Some sorts of insanity would be reasonably okay to live with, such as a phobia of paper. Others, such as compulsively cutting off your fingers or raging paranoia, might be a worse than an internet-free life.

Also, one has to balance the odds of a cure for your particular type of insanity being developed, vs. the odds of a cure for being without the internet for the rest of your life being developed. I'm not even sure what form the latter would take, really.

I think I'll keep the Internet and risk finger-chopping paranoia in the short term. But it's a tough call, as you say.


But if you didnt have internet you probably would go insane. At least if you were insane you'd have internet :P
Why do you think your parents are like they are? ;)


Too late


Already there

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