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Always feel like you have to sneeze and not be able to

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Always feel like you have to pee and not be able to

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64% prefer Always feel like you have to sneeze and not be able to


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like medically something's wrong with you or do you not have to do either things at all? Like anything you drink just evaporates once inside you? That'd be cool. You could get use to not peeing but having that feeling. The sneezing thing you'd always have a weird face. All scrunched up.

But does the other plumbing down their still work? If only the pee is blocked and not any manly plumbing thing I take not peeing.

No wait, then you'd never be able to clean out your plumbing afterwards. So you'd get infections and smell bad down there.

I changed my mind! Sneezing it is! Could learn to not make a face.


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