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Ranked 1891 of 1996



Death is a new experience. It would be more interesting then doing the same thing over and over again.

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Never have to pay taxes again

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49% prefer Die


There are only 2 things in life that are certain...

Get in an accident that severely impedes your mental capacity

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70% prefer Die

Kill another person

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33% prefer Die

Sit comfortably in a chair. You are alone in a room no-one else can find. If you ever move more than an inch every other living thing in the universe dies in agony. When you die the restriction is lifted.

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60% prefer Die

The other option this is paired with happens to 50% of the people on Earth, chosen at random. You don't know whether you will be among them.

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47% prefer Die


Don't gamble on other lives. I choose sacrifice myself.

Eat a sandwich

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11% prefer Die

Wake up to find 6 dozen weasels gnawing off your face

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50% prefer Die


I got this right after chosing "whatever happens in your next one happens to everyone." In this situation if everyone is having this happen chances are everyone would die either way. So in both situations the world would end up better off.

Be constantly surrounded by a swarm of mosquitoes who tell you bad puns continuously in a voice that sounds like 100 mosquito whines in unison

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54% prefer Die

Have the symptoms of a very bad cold for the rest of your life

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46% prefer Die

A zombie apocalypse breaks out in your home town. Anyone killed by a zombie becomes one.

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38% prefer Die

Your neighbour who you don't get along with successfully gets you fined $10,000 when you didn't do anything wrong

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21% prefer Die

All your friends and family die and you never get any more, and thus live as a loner for the rest of your life

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71% prefer Die


I'd go with all my friends and family die so that they don't have to miss me, plus after a fair bit of grieving I'd become kinda badass with a sad life story.

Eat 1 pound of elephant feces

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42% prefer Die

Have your deepest, darkest secret revealed to the world

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24% prefer Die

Learn undeniably that the religion you least want to be true... is

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38% prefer Die

Get ripped off

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46% prefer Die



Be the last person left alive on earth

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48% prefer Die


Interesting pairing. The world goes on without me, or I go on without the world.

Eat a cake

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11% prefer Die


Death... no wait cake! Cake!



Relive the last 5 minutes of your life over and over for all eternity (but be unable to change anything)

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77% prefer Die

Your closest friend dies

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57% prefer Die


My closest friend is my wife. If I die then she has to go on without me, which would be very hard and sad for her, which is why I would chose to have her die over me.


Yea... tell your wife that.

"Hey honey, if it was up to me, I'd let you die to spare my life. You see, it's so you don't feel bad... where you going?" :P


This is why it's important to have a mistress on the side that can substitute for her in this case. That way you can tell your wife that it's for her own protection, and she will appreciate the effort you're going to to keep her safe.


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12% prefer Die



Live forever

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40% prefer Die

Go insane

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44% prefer Die

Have your legs ripped off and fed to you.

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65% prefer Die


How much salt can I use?


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