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While not otherwise changing its physical properties, your body gains the density of styrofoam.

Ranked 992 of 1996



This leads to some interesting benefits and disadvantages, aside from being able to serve as a flotation device.

A strong wind could pick you up and send you flying, but probably wouldn't injure you in the process since there's not a lot of inertia in your impacts with obstacles. Punching and kicking would likewise do little damage to what you hit. You'd be able to climb extremely easily since you could lift many times your own weight, and your terminal velocity would be slow enough that you could fall from any height without injury, but you probably couldn't jump a whole lot farther due to air resistance. Carrying anything with substantial weight would drastically effect your center of gravity but you could probably get used to compensating for that.

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46% prefer While not otherwise changing its physical properties, your body gains the density of styrofoam.


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