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Take 30 hits of acid

Ranked 1287 of 1996



Watch out for the rainbow striped unicorn in your basement! Oh! And the old man strumming a banjo with a leperchan dancing around him in your bedroom! AND the endless void of lenolium you might fall into if you go into your kitchen! Quick jump for the couch! THE COUCH IS A SAFE ZONE!!!


Are you immune to side effects?


@hellraezer: No.


at once?

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Every day at precisely noon a (CFL style) light bulb appears and starts orbiting your head. If left alone the bulbs accumulate each day until there are many bulbs orbiting your head. A bulb can easily be grabbed and pulled from its orbit at which point there is nothing special about it.

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Either way I'm going to have lights spinning around my head.

Drown in acid

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90% prefer Take 30 hits of acid


No, what kind of question is that?


Do you mean drowning in LSD, or like hydrochloric acid?


@furlong.ryantaylor: The hydrochloric kind. Its just paired with the other as a joke.

Alien space bats cause your home city to sink into a giant system of previously-unknown caverns far underground that stretch for thousands of miles in every direction. Since they're benevolent, they turn everyone into elves who can see in the dark but can't stand bright light.

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the alien option is probably less crazy than what youd imagine happening on 30 hits of acid

Eat a soft, mouldy, sharp cheese

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40% prefer Take 30 hits of acid


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