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Find out that your life is actually an elaborate TV show and your friends and family are actors

Ranked 1033 of 1996



If I find out I am a T.V. star then do I get back pay and royalties?


I have serious concerns about the kind of person who would want to watch a TV show of my life


The Truman Show. Done.

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Live in a world where everybody knows you name regardless of whether they have met you before or not

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18% prefer Find out that your life is actually an elaborate TV show and your friends and family are actors

Find out that you are actually an alien raised by human parents after your ship crashed

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17% prefer Find out that your life is actually an elaborate TV show and your friends and family are actors


At least if you are an alien your friends and loved ones are real. Plus you can just keep up the ruse.

Every sentence you speak or write contains a swear word

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0% prefer Find out that your life is actually an elaborate TV show and your friends and family are actors


Well, I mean, the swearing one is pretty much already true.

The world's population doubled overnight (the new people are shunted in from some parallel universe almost exactly the same as ours)

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59% prefer Find out that your life is actually an elaborate TV show and your friends and family are actors


These two go well together. We could call it "I think I'm a clone now, but really, it's just my dimensional doppleganger."

In 24 hours someone, somewhere in the world will flip a coin. Heads you die, tails you receive 1 billion dollars

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42% prefer Find out that your life is actually an elaborate TV show and your friends and family are actors


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