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When you die your mind/spirit/soul ceases to exist

Ranked 1579 of 1996



Interesting. This choice would seem to add an implied "...and when you die your mind/spirit/soul _doesn't_ cease to exist" onto the end of whatever option it happens to be paired with, but of course leaves the specifics undefined.


Well since that's what happens when you die anyways...

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When you die your spirit goes on to eternal joy if you are good and eternal agony if you are bad

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36% prefer When you die your mind/spirit/soul ceases to exist

When you die your spirit is reincarnated as another organism (human, animal, plant, anything), and the type of organism is influenced by how good a person you are

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28% prefer When you die your mind/spirit/soul ceases to exist

Go to hell after you die

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80% prefer When you die your mind/spirit/soul ceases to exist

Whatever a person believes happens to them after death happens to them after death (if you expect to go to heaven you do, if you believe in reincarnation you are reincarnated, etc...)

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12% prefer When you die your mind/spirit/soul ceases to exist

Whenever you die you reincarnate as a randomly-selected newborn baby sixteen years in the past. Your memories of your past lives return to you with perfect clarity on your new body's sixteenth birthday (ie, the same day your old body dies).

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13% prefer When you die your mind/spirit/soul ceases to exist

When you die you have to push a boulder up a hill for all eternity

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77% prefer When you die your mind/spirit/soul ceases to exist

When you die your spirit is reincarnated as another human, whose lot is life is influenced by how good a person you are

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22% prefer When you die your mind/spirit/soul ceases to exist

You give your opinion but it isn't listened to. Later everyone realizes you were right, but it too late to avoid horrible consequences for both them and you

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57% prefer When you die your mind/spirit/soul ceases to exist


I couldn't take my soul not existing after death, so... waka waka.

When you die your spirit spends between 0 and 1000 years in agony, depending on how good you are. After that you go on to eternal joy.

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37% prefer When you die your mind/spirit/soul ceases to exist


Big Guy Up There answered this one for us, I guess. lol

When you die, if you are good (top 50% of people who've ever lived) then the option ranked first on this site happens to you forever. If you are bad (bottom 50%) then the option ranked last happens to you forever.

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40% prefer When you die your mind/spirit/soul ceases to exist


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