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Become a regular cat

Ranked 1140 of 1996



Do I still keep my mind? If not this is basically just an unusual way to die IMO. I'll assume I've still got my mind.


it says regular, and my regular cat doesn't retain it's human brain.

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Everyone thinks that you're actually a cat and treats you like one

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61% prefer Become a regular cat

Eat cat food

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42% prefer Become a regular cat



The other option this is paired with happens to you and also happens to your twenty closest friends

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49% prefer Become a regular cat


This is dumb. I would rather have this question be better.

The other option this is paired with doesn't happen to you but instead happens to your twenty closest friends

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54% prefer Become a regular cat


I want my kitty-friends!

Never be allowed to eat your favorite food ever again

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50% prefer Become a regular cat


I can't eat human food as a regular cat! And if I lose my favourite food, well that's just encouragement to go out and find a new one.

Be born into a world without religion

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29% prefer Become a regular cat

Become an anthropomorphic cat.

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29% prefer Become a regular cat


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