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Find out homeopathy really works

Ranked 467 of 1996



If it actually turned out work it would make it very easy (and cheap) to cure many diseases. It would be awesome. The only downside would be smug homeopathist's saying "I told you so." But I can live with that if it means the elimination of all disease.


As a rational skeptic I would happily accept homeopathy to work if it were proved to do so... Unfortunately all the (credible) evidence is completely against it.


@ineedmayo: Thats basically what this options is offering. Credible evidence appears for it and it REALLY works. This is, of course, different from reality - but so is the ability to travel back in time, or any other weird thing on this site.

So, if you accept as the premise that homeopathy works (the same way you accept that say you suddenly grow wings or turn into a cat) then it would actually be super awesome. Suddenly curing anything is as easy as distillng water! Score!

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