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Find out that someone has been lying to you about something important for years

Ranked 1035 of 1996


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Know someone who tells you bad puns every day

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17% prefer Find out that someone has been lying to you about something important for years

Find out that your spouse had a sex change before they met you

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71% prefer Find out that someone has been lying to you about something important for years


These both involve someone having lied to you about something important for years, but at least the sex change one specifies what that lie is. I'd rather go with the devil I know. There are far worse secrets a spouse could be keeping, after all.

Live in a world where everything sounds creepy

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60% prefer Find out that someone has been lying to you about something important for years

You are compelled to obey any order that's given to you unless it is directly suicidal

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78% prefer Find out that someone has been lying to you about something important for years

Lie about something important for years and then have it found out

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75% prefer Find out that someone has been lying to you about something important for years


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