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Eat the contents of a diaper

Ranked 1899 of 1996



I suppose it depends on what the contents is...


If the contents are just air, hell yeah!


I think the intent is the contents of a used diaper. But perhaps it is better if the contents are unknown at the time of the choice. Maybe it is indeed empty. Or maybe not. Once you agree, you're committed.

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Eat the contents of a litter box

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25% prefer Eat the contents of a diaper


There's nothing here that indicates the litter box has been used yet. Whereas if a diaper has contents, it's probably been used.


It could just be the lining of the diaper, or whatever.


I think that with a diaper, there's simply less volume of potential material to ingest, making it the favourable option.

Eat a bowl of poop that tastes like chili

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13% prefer Eat the contents of a diaper


Not much difference here. In both cases you are eating poop. In the case of the chili at least it tastes good. But in the case of the diaper there will be less of it.

Eat lunch at your desk

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6% prefer Eat the contents of a diaper


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