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You can eat as much as you want and it has no effect on your health, but you must eat the equivalent of 10 meals a day worth of calories and nutrients or you start to starve.

Ranked 691 of 1996



This would be pretty cool. It sounds onerous to eat 10 meals a day, but if I was running low on calories I could just eat butter. I mean, I'm not looking forward to eating butter, but its an easy solution to the problem, and a small price to pay to eat whatever I want all the time. The only real downside would be the cost of all the food.

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Eat a box of Kraft Dinner

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WTF is tht

Never have to eat again (but you can if you want to)

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12% prefer You can eat as much as you want and it has no effect on your health, but you must eat the equivalent of 10 meals a day worth of calories and nutrients or you start to starve.


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