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Be gullible

Ranked 1316 of 1996


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Have people think you are silly

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11% prefer Be gullible

Be known as a "My Little Pony" enthusiast

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47% prefer Be gullible


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Be the oldest person on earth

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40% prefer Be gullible


What if someone told me I was the oldest person on earth, and I believed them?

Have people think you are ugly

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60% prefer Be gullible

Get ripped off

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50% prefer Be gullible


So have loyalty in everyone to trust their word yet be lied to 100% of the time. Or be taken advantage of wealth and personal wise. Also it could be literal and something get's ripped off you. Not taking that chance. Believe in no wrongs it is!

All criminals in the world escape and all criminal records are deleted

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All the criminals in the world escape on the same day. As if I'd believe that!

Be grouchy

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44% prefer Be gullible


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