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Be only able to walk backwards

Ranked 1504 of 1996


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Be only able to see out of eyes on the back of your head

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71% prefer Be only able to walk backwards


Being only able to walk backwards would affect my mobility, but not any other activities I might do. Having reversed eyes would cause problems with all sorts of other things in addition to just getting around.


IT is basically the same. If you have eyes on the back of your head you have to walk backwards.


But if your eyes are on the back of your head your arms bend the wrong way, you can't face someone when talking to them, you can't see what you're eating, and for guys you can't aim at the toilet effectively any more. I think it's way worse.

Be cursed to have the hindquarters of a donkey from the waist down (modified so that you can still stand and walk upright)

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69% prefer Be only able to walk backwards

Be only able to hop like a kangaroo instead of walking or running normally

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32% prefer Be only able to walk backwards


Kangaroos cant jump backwards


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