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Fight in the battle of Thermopylae

Ranked 1202 of 1996



On which side? The Persians did not too badly. :)


For argument's sake, let's say you are a Spartan.


Either way, you'd probably end up dying. Great way to go out though.

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43% prefer Fight in the battle of Thermopylae

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50% prefer Fight in the battle of Thermopylae

Fight in World War II

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40% prefer Fight in the battle of Thermopylae


WWII has better medical technology. Better technology all around, really. Plus I'd be much more familiar with the culture so desertion would be easier if that turns out to be necessary.


I'd say the side is random, a 50-50 chance. So you need to take that into account with your choice I guess.



the day we got victory.
the day we put them down.
the day we vanquished evil.

i would give anything just to be there.

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31% prefer Fight in the battle of Thermopylae


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