You have to pick:

Eat a bowl of chili that tastes like poop

Ranked 1601 of 1996


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Never be allowed to use a computer mouse again

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31% prefer Eat a bowl of chili that tastes like poop


Good excuse to buy a really nice touchcreen.

Wake up with two heads. The other head is that of a perfect stranger who is just as surprised to wake up like this as you are. Each of you controls just one side of your shared body.

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55% prefer Eat a bowl of chili that tastes like poop

Be attacked by a dog with bees in its mouth so that when it barks it shoots bees at you

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This is so fucked... I guess if I can prepare for the dog/bees, then...

The other option this is paired with happens to you and also happens to your twenty worst enemies

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8% prefer Eat a bowl of chili that tastes like poop


If I have to eat chili that tastes like poop, I want my enemies to share in my misery.

Eat a bowl of poop that tastes like chili

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66% prefer Eat a bowl of chili that tastes like poop


I would rather eat chili than poop. Simple as that.


I would rather eat poop than chili. Simple as that.


They're both pretty gross.


Eating poop, even if it tastes like chili, would be quite bad for you.


Depends whose poop it is, I suppose.


Why does it depend upon from whom the poop came Bryan?


Some folks are more hygienic than others. Though I suppose when it comes right down to it there isn't going to be a whole lot of difference in this case.


I pretend to eat the chili that tastes like poop, while secretly feeding it to my pet dung beetle.

Get fired

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28% prefer Eat a bowl of chili that tastes like poop


This is the choice you are faced with when the boss brings in his "world famous" chili.


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