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Listen to an adult crying for 3 hours

Ranked 845 of 1996



I think it might have to depend on who is doing the crying.

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Listen to a baby crying for 3 hours

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54% prefer Listen to an adult crying for 3 hours


I'd rather the baby, because babies cry over trivial things whereas adults are more likely to be crying over something genuinely serious. Especially if it lasts for three hours.

Your neighbour who you don't get along with successfully gets you fined $10,000 when you didn't do anything wrong

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I guess the crying in this case means the neighbor failed in his quest for injustice. So it's a good thing here. :)

The other option this is paired with happens to everyone on Earth, not just to you.

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48% prefer Listen to an adult crying for 3 hours


This implies something very very bad has just happened.


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