You have to pick:

Chug a litre of Pepto Bismol

Ranked 1100 of 1996



I think you would end up throwing up.
How ironic


shanongreen: I love you for using "ironic" correctly.


Except he didn't use it correctly at all.


Sure he did. It seems the some people are so obsessed with everyone using ironic wrong that they like to point out that its wrong in all circumstances, right or wrong. Now THAT is ironic. :D

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ATMs will release any sum of money requested to anyone. However, for each dollar you take out one ticket in your name is entered into a draw. At the end of each week a single name is drawn and that person is killed.

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42% prefer Chug a litre of Pepto Bismol

Have a phobia that causes you to run screaming for your life whenever you see any animal mouse size or bigger

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100% prefer Chug a litre of Pepto Bismol


both of these would suck!

Eat a bowl of poop that tastes like chili

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100% prefer Chug a litre of Pepto Bismol


One leads to the other.

Never have to pay taxes again

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33% prefer Chug a litre of Pepto Bismol


Is this even a...

Be murdered by your own brother or sister

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86% prefer Chug a litre of Pepto Bismol


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