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Be a centaur, but you can't directly control your lower body; it acts on its own like a normal horse would.

Ranked 1670 of 1996


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Know someone who tells you bad puns every day

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13% prefer Be a centaur, but you can't directly control your lower body; it acts on its own like a normal horse would.

A cat was elected leader of your country

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50% prefer Be a centaur, but you can't directly control your lower body; it acts on its own like a normal horse would.


The cat one. I could assassinate the cat, and then lead the nation in a WORKERS REVOLUTION from my new seat of power!!!

Become a cow centaur

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32% prefer Be a centaur, but you can't directly control your lower body; it acts on its own like a normal horse would.


moo .-.


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