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Eat a bowl of snot

Ranked 1900 of 1996



Especially if it had residue of cocaine/adderall/ritalin..


as long as the bowl is a thimble


That's a good point J.Kelner16. It isn't defined. Lets say a standard cereal bowl size.

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Have people think you are stupid

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20% prefer Eat a bowl of snot


Either way.

Eat a bowl of sugar

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2% prefer Eat a bowl of snot

Have 10 ml of seawater injected into your brain

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41% prefer Eat a bowl of snot

Eat a bowl of salt

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12% prefer Eat a bowl of snot

Eat a cockroach

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15% prefer Eat a bowl of snot


<- Tough call. Depends on if it's my snot. ->

Eat a hagfish

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14% prefer Eat a bowl of snot

The option that this is paired with doesn't happen. Instead you dream that it happens every single night. It is the only dream you have for the rest of your life.

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45% prefer Eat a bowl of snot

Eat a snot pie

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13% prefer Eat a bowl of snot


Well... at least the pie has a crust.


But the crust is dried snot.

Eat a live mouse

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38% prefer Eat a bowl of snot


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