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Be a medieval peasant

Ranked 1624 of 1996


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Be a peasant in a fantasy world

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8% prefer Be a medieval peasant


I don't think this as obvious as it first appears. Magic rarely benefits the peasants and they are way more likely to be eaten by a dragon or killed by marauding orcs.
Of course, it really depends on the fantasy world. For example, the lot of a peasant in Eberron is better than real life which is better than Dragon Age.


I don't know, I think the fantasy peasant usually lives a longer and healthier life than the medieval peasant. They generally don't get cholera and die at age 30 of explosive diarrhea regardless of how common magic is. It also depends on whether they're in a "Good Guy Kingdom" or a "Bad Guy Kingdom".


In a fantasy world, at least I could go on an epic adventure to save a princess and find treasures and stuff. In medieval world, man's gonna keep me down...

Destroy an original, working, Super Nintendo

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25% prefer Be a medieval peasant

Live in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic universe

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53% prefer Be a medieval peasant

Have the most horrible BO ever that you can't cover up or get rid of. However, you can't smell yourself

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67% prefer Be a medieval peasant


These kinda go hand in hand, don't they?

Contract leprosy

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73% prefer Be a medieval peasant


Is there really a difference?


Leprosy is treatable by modern medicine.


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