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It was always winter

Ranked 1188 of 1996



If it was always winter we'd soon suffer terrible food shortages, and other less critical but still significant economic problems.


A lot of construction shuts down in the winter. How would stuff get built?


I live in florida, and winter is usually the 60s. I would ride my motorcycle till the day I died


plants would die off if this happened.


@bryan.derkson not to mention that days would be shorter, forever+30 days of night anyone?

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Sweat chocolate syrup

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60% prefer It was always winter


+1 for the 'These do not go well together' pile.

And sweating chocolate syrup would drain you of sugar rapidly, so you'd have to eat lots of sugar. Darn that would suck...

Run a mile in under 8 minutes or be killed

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39% prefer It was always winter


I suppose this is like choosing between a quick death or a slow death.

Every spring you turn into a tree. The process takes several days, allowing you opportunity to find a good spot to root. After you lose your leaves in autumn you change back into a human again. You only age while in human form.

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47% prefer It was always winter


I want to be an ent. ^.^
Yay for tree peoples.

It was always summer

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26% prefer It was always winter


Thinking about this raised a question; if it's always winter in one hemisphere, is it always summer in the other? If so, this pairing is basically just asking which hemisphere to doom with eternal winter - "yours" or "theirs".


To me the question is more interesting on a philosophical level, and its more about what you gain than what you give up. That is, would you rather give up winter (always summer) or give up summer (always winter. For some giving up winter is obvious, but others really like winter. But do they like it as much as summer?


I said that backwards it should have been "more about what you give up than what you gain"


Eternal summer wouldn't work either. Most plants and animals require fall, winter and spring to thrive. Humanity couldn't adapt quickly enough.

One final summer for mankind.


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