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Bungee jump off a skyscraper

Ranked 453 of 1996



I'm assuming when I bungee jump off the skyscraper that they have set up a proper bungee jumping platform which extrudes from the building. If not it would almost certainly be fatal.


Bungee jumping off a skyscraper actually sounds like a lot of fun...

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Looks like I'm jumping off..

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44% prefer Bungee jump off a skyscraper


If I knew someone who told me bad puns everyday I would be SO HAPPY.

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81% prefer Bungee jump off a skyscraper

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76% prefer Bungee jump off a skyscraper


I call the Doc Martin Steel Toes and the little Smart Car thing I keep seeing on the roads. I'll be fine :)

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84% prefer Bungee jump off a skyscraper


At first I thought the bungee jump was the obvious safe bet, but then I realized that if the bungee rigging isn't properly set up I will smash to death on the side of the building. Whereas I could cross the tightrope quite safely by hanging under it from my hands and knees. So it depends.


I'd bungee jump. I love the idea of falling from great heights.


&%#$ im terrified of heights


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