Options By Popularity

Options 638 to 648

  1. Have the strength to lift a mountain but it gives out briefly and randomly without warning
  2. The other option this is paired with happens to you and also happens to your twenty closest friends
  3. Have a good song stuck in your head (except you only know a single line of the song and that's all that's stuck)
  4. Have powerfully magnetic hands
  5. Your health has three states "full, injured, and dead". Any injury you suffer (anything as painful as stubbing your toe) reduces your health to the next state down. No matter how bad the injury is (even things that would normally be fatal), it only ever reduces your health by one state. If your health reaches "dead" then you die - but it is impossible to die in any other way. If your state is "injured" you can eat a mushroom to increase it to "full".
  6. A mysterious stranger appears at your doorstep, holding a box with a button. He offers you $1 Billion, in exchange for pressing the button, which will cause someone you don't know to die. You choose NOT to press the button.
  7. All of Levar Burton's roles were played by Arnold Schwarzenegger
  8. Have four robotic limbs that you can attach and remove at any time, but also limit your movement to some degree
  9. Live in Alaska
  10. Eat everything with your hands from now on

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