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Options 1696 to 1706

  1. Have no feet
  2. Have to use your feet for everything you do
  3. Be cursed to have the hindquarters of a donkey from the waist down (modified so that you can still stand and walk upright)
  4. Starting 24 hours from now, and continuing for the next 13 days (13 rolls in all): someone, somewhere in the world will roll a 20-sided die. If any of these rolls are a 1, you die. If you get through all 13 rolls without a 1 being rolled you live.
  5. Be unable to tell the truth
  6. Wake up covered with maggots
  7. Constantly throw up anytime you see a movie with the letter "A" anywhere in its title
  8. Have the song Friday stuck in your head forever
  9. Be completely soluble in water
  10. Swim a length of an Olympic size pool filled with baby vomit

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