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Options 1472 to 1482

  1. Fall into a vat of rubbing alcohol
  2. Have your skin and hair turn permanently bright pink
  3. Everyone in the world looks completely average and identical.
  4. Have a huge weight on your conscience
  5. Be a young, healthy Hutt (one of Jabba's race) with no criminal record or major financial holdings.
  6. Live an untroubled life WITHOUT ever finding true love
  7. Drink a glass half full of methanol and half full of mercury
  8. Eat nothing but peanut butter for the rest of your life
  9. Whenever you touch a car key (or other similar vehicular authentication token) you turn into a copy of the car it belongs to. You remain in that form until the key is removed.
  10. Be trapped in a room with a live donkey which you must eat in order to escape the room. It is impossible to escape the room in any other way.

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