Options By Popularity

Options 134 to 144

  1. Be the CEO of a major corporation
  2. Be able to read/interpret all the information on any computer within 100 meters (even encrypted information). It is as if you have a virtual screen in your mind to view it. For example you have to take the time to read text, or view a 3d model, etc... You can't directly transfer this information to anything but you can, of course, describe or attempt to re-create it yourself. You only remember it as well as you remember normal things you've seen.
  3. Own Facebook
  4. Have total control of three people
  5. Own a hover tiger
  6. Star in a movie
  7. Your pet obeys you perfectly
  8. Have invulnerable bones that cannot be broken or dislocated. No other parts of you are invulnerable.
  9. You can control RC cars with your mind
  10. Each time you pee on the most important monument in a city you magically become 0.1% better at everything you do. This effect lasts forever and is cumulative.

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