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The option that this is paired with doesn't happen. Instead you dream that it happens every single night. It is the only dream you have for the rest of your life.
Never sleep again


Careful, WYRerers. "Never sleep again" is different from "never _have_ to sleep again." In reality there's a rare genetic condition called Fatal Familial Insomnia that strikes late in life and makes a person unable to fall sleep, and as the name suggests it's fatal. Very nastily fatal, involving hallucinations and paranoia and dementia over the course of 7-18 months. Not a good way to die.


So, I'd dream every night that I'm not asleep? That's...odd.


Yeah... thats... interesting. I guess ever night you dream that you have a sleepless night.. but then you wake up fine because you were actually asleep.

That's not so bad, I guess.

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